Minggu, 10 Juli 2016

The Entrance 'Usefull map for begginers'

Hi everybody :D
Today i will introduce to you about 'The Entrance' /join entrance
yehp :3 the entrance..
i think 'The entrance is very usefull for begginers' why??

1. 4 Costume Set :3

There are's 4 Npc :3
*Rebecca the Rouge that sell : Emerald Dragon Mage Set
*Fergus the Demon Summoner that sell : Dragon DoomKnight Set
*Leonard the Lion Tamer that sell : Fanfir Tamer Set
*Elaniel the Light Caster that sell : Light Caster Set

2. Many usefull quest :D

The 4 Npc's are have same quest.. >.<

*1200 Acs Challenge Hellhound :
Items Required : Hellhound Head x2
Rewards : 1000 Gold , 2500 xp
Items : 1200 Acs (relogin to sell this item)

*Gold Farm Challenge Hellhound
Items Required : Hellhound Head x1
Rewards : 100000 gold , 2500 xp

*Exp level Challange Hellhound
Items Required : Hellhound Head x5
Rewards : 2500 gold , 90000 xp

...,Where we can find the Required items ??

:3 we can find it by killing Hellhound Monster :3  /join hellhound

Hellhound monster:
HP : 1.000.000
Level : 100
Gold : 250
Exp : 500
Items : Blue Tainted Energy Blade ( Rare , 30% chance drop ) , Hellhound Head ( Quest )

yep.. thats all the description about 'The Entrance' :3



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