Minggu, 10 Juli 2016

How to leveling for begginers ' Level 0 - 150 '

Hi all :D
today i want posting about ' How to leveling for begginers at RedAq '

the most recommended way is farming exp in ' up ' /join up

if you are to lazy to do that xD
you can wait for ' multiped exp event :D like 100% 150% and more "

btw , you can get 100k free exp + 1000 acs by complete Nulgath quest on battleon /joinbattleon
You can also create a big party to kill many monsters that drop big exp :D

You can also get big exp by killing world boss by accomplish a quest :D /join boss or /join voidboss

and many other ways to fast leveling in RedAq game :D

That is all form me :D

sorry for bad englsih :D



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