Minggu, 10 Juli 2016

Best class of ?? Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) :D

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about..

What is the best class for PVP ? Farming ? Team/Group ? and more ?? :3

1. Best class for PVP
i think MANAMANCER CLASS is very useful on PVP battle..
*has "ULTRA BIG HEAL SKILLS" thats named Warm Mana skills (rank 2) thats will heal you fully :3 500k+ healthpoints
*has "STUN SKILLS" thats named Red Mana frezze skills (rank 3) thats will stun enemy for 5 sec
*has "BIG DAMAGE SKILLS" :v thats named  Element X (rank 5) thats will crush enemy body , and deal min(100k) max(600k+)

combos " frezze (4) > crush (5) > 2 > 2 > 2 > if you lose many HP , use healing skills (3) then repeat the combos until your enemy die xD

you can get that class on "manahouse,manarunes,manarock" thats you must have ManaCraft rank 10

2. Best class farming items for quest
i think VOID CASTER is very useful when farming items for quest xD
*has "BIG AREA DAMAGE" thats will hit anymonsters on that area
*has "BUFF" thats named Invoking the Void thats will enchan your damage to be more powerfull

combos " buff (4) , crush (5) , area1 (2) , area2 (2) repeat until your enemies die..

coming soon for another 'Best Class Of'



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