Minggu, 10 Juli 2016

Fastest way to get Darkness Shinobi class??

Fastest way to get Darkness Shinobi class??

Hi all :3
  many player ask me to tell about how to get Darkness Shinobi faster..

And this is my answer : 
"there is no quick way to get darkness shinobi"

yep , i if you want to get darkness shinobi faster..
you must  farming Token A as long as possible. and maybe that will taking long time..
here is the tips to get token A faster :

1.Farming Token C by killing monsters 'Bar dud pvp , Bar guy pvp' at /pvpteam

10 Token C = 1 Token B
10 Token B = 1 Token A
50 Token A = Darkness Shinobi Class + Pet
from the caculation above , that mean we must kill 'Bar dude and Bar guy pvp 5000x times
to get 50 token A , and that will taking very long time xD

2.Killing Lumberhorc Boss PVP

Lumberhorc Boss PVP:
HP : 6.500.500
Level : 99
Drop : Terasure Chest (30% maybe) , Token A ( 10-15%)

btw, Lumberhorc Boss is very strong monster you know :w
every attack deals 80 - 100k hp >.< + shiity Noob that loves Freekilling
on pvpteam area -_-
that make harder to kill the boss :v

tips if you want to be easy when killing the boss without any problems..
*you can create your private room :D '/join pvpteam-1941 , /join pvpteam-1132'
*invite player to party that have same goal with you to killing lumberhorc boss :D
*prepare your equiped items on /pvplobby , because in pvpteam area , you cant change your equiped items

yehp.. after you collect 50 Token A
you can merge it to Darkness Shinobi class by completing the quest at /pvplobby

*Darkness Shinobi Class
Items Required : Token A x50
Rewards : 2500 Gold , 2500 Exp , 25000 Evil Rep
Items : Darkness Shinobi Class , Shinobi Dog

Regards #legendaryk

Best class of ?? Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) :D

Best class of ?? Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) :D

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about..

What is the best class for PVP ? Farming ? Team/Group ? and more ?? :3

1. Best class for PVP
i think MANAMANCER CLASS is very useful on PVP battle..
*has "ULTRA BIG HEAL SKILLS" thats named Warm Mana skills (rank 2) thats will heal you fully :3 500k+ healthpoints
*has "STUN SKILLS" thats named Red Mana frezze skills (rank 3) thats will stun enemy for 5 sec
*has "BIG DAMAGE SKILLS" :v thats named  Element X (rank 5) thats will crush enemy body , and deal min(100k) max(600k+)

combos " frezze (4) > crush (5) > 2 > 2 > 2 > if you lose many HP , use healing skills (3) then repeat the combos until your enemy die xD

you can get that class on "manahouse,manarunes,manarock" thats you must have ManaCraft rank 10

2. Best class farming items for quest
i think VOID CASTER is very useful when farming items for quest xD
*has "BIG AREA DAMAGE" thats will hit anymonsters on that area
*has "BUFF" thats named Invoking the Void thats will enchan your damage to be more powerfull

combos " buff (4) , crush (5) , area1 (2) , area2 (2) repeat until your enemies die..

coming soon for another 'Best Class Of'

Class , Reputation , Exp Boost?? Useful for begginers :D

Class , Reputation , Exp Boost?? Useful for begginers :D

Hi :v
Today i want tell you about Class , Reputation , Exp Boost..
yep , if you want to 'doubled' your earnings when :
*Killing monsters get double class points ( When using Class BOOST 1h)
*Killing monsters get double exp ( When using Xp BOOST 1h )
*Finishing Quest and get double reputation 'doom,pirate,fame,manacraft and more :D ' ( When using Rep Boost)
*Very useful for begginers to farming exp and reputation :D
You can get the quest form Twilly /join battleon

Description of Quest :
Item Required : Frogzard Blood x35
Rewards : 10000 Exp , 10000 Gold
Items : Class boost 1h , Reputation boost 1h , Xp boost 1h ( choose one of them )
Where is the Frogzards ?? :3
they are playing football on nexsus :3 /join nexsus

Frogzards Monsters :
HP : 512
Level : 4
Gold : 250
Exp : 500

Drop :  Hunter I (Items) , Dictonary of Reptiles x1 , Frogzard Blood ( Quest)

if you want to get Frogzard Blood faster :D , you can also make your own private map '/join nexsus-8812 , /join nexsus-1313 or change with your favorite number whatever you like '


The Entrance 'Usefull map for begginers'

The Entrance 'Usefull map for begginers'

Hi everybody :D
Today i will introduce to you about 'The Entrance' /join entrance
yehp :3 the entrance..
i think 'The entrance is very usefull for begginers' why??

1. 4 Costume Set :3

There are's 4 Npc :3
*Rebecca the Rouge that sell : Emerald Dragon Mage Set
*Fergus the Demon Summoner that sell : Dragon DoomKnight Set
*Leonard the Lion Tamer that sell : Fanfir Tamer Set
*Elaniel the Light Caster that sell : Light Caster Set

2. Many usefull quest :D

The 4 Npc's are have same quest.. >.<

*1200 Acs Challenge Hellhound :
Items Required : Hellhound Head x2
Rewards : 1000 Gold , 2500 xp
Items : 1200 Acs (relogin to sell this item)

*Gold Farm Challenge Hellhound
Items Required : Hellhound Head x1
Rewards : 100000 gold , 2500 xp

*Exp level Challange Hellhound
Items Required : Hellhound Head x5
Rewards : 2500 gold , 90000 xp

...,Where we can find the Required items ??

:3 we can find it by killing Hellhound Monster :3  /join hellhound

Hellhound monster:
HP : 1.000.000
Level : 100
Gold : 250
Exp : 500
Items : Blue Tainted Energy Blade ( Rare , 30% chance drop ) , Hellhound Head ( Quest )

yep.. thats all the description about 'The Entrance' :3


How to leveling for begginers ' Level 0 - 150 '

How to leveling for begginers ' Level 0 - 150 '

Hi all :D
today i want posting about ' How to leveling for begginers at RedAq '

the most recommended way is farming exp in ' up ' /join up

if you are to lazy to do that xD
you can wait for ' multiped exp event :D like 100% 150% and more "

btw , you can get 100k free exp + 1000 acs by complete Nulgath quest on battleon /joinbattleon
You can also create a big party to kill many monsters that drop big exp :D

You can also get big exp by killing world boss by accomplish a quest :D /join boss or /join voidboss

and many other ways to fast leveling in RedAq game :D

That is all form me :D

sorry for bad englsih :D
